Latest News 2010 December Does Your Bird Need a Cage Cover?

Does Your Bird Need a Cage Cover?

Do you own a pet bird?  If so, you may be wondering whether or not you need to use a cage cover as many bird owners choose to cover their birds' cages at night time.  In fact, you may have even heard that many birds cannot fall asleep unless they have their cage covers on as they rely upon the covers as "security blankets".

Before you decide whether or not you need a cage cover, it may be good to know that birds need about 12 hours of sleep each night in order to remain healthy and in their best condition. If there is a lot of noise or bright light, it may disturb your bird's rest.  This is precisely why many owners choose to cover their birds' cages in the evening.

If there is not a lot of bright light or noise at night near your bird cage, experiment by leaving the cage uncovered for a few nights to see how your bird reacts. If everything is fine, you may not need to cover the cage every night.  However, if your bird reacts poorly or appears sluggish, it is probably best to keep the cage covered so it can get quality sleep.

Categories: Pet Tips, Birds