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Recent Posts in Going to the Vet Category

What is Canine Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a disease which is caused by infection with bacteria called Leptospira. There are a variety of different species of these bacteria, but most commonly dogs are infected with the L ...

What to do if your Pet is Hit by a Car

When your animal is hit by a moving vehicle, it can be a serious issue. Just like if a person was hit by a car, you will want to get your animal to an emergency hospital as soon as possible. You ...

USDA says Pigeons and Doves are Exempt from Bird Flu Laws

The USDA recently implemented a rule that prohibits the importation of birds and poultry from countries where bird flu exists. Bird flu, also called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), has the ...

Knowing When Your Pet is Sick

Many people wonder what the tell-tale signs of pet sickness are. Below, we have provided key signs that are indicative of pet illness: - a huge increase or decrease in appetite - hard time urinating ...

Does Your Dog Have an Ear Infection?

If you own a dog, especially a dog that has "floppy" ears, one of the things you will have to worry about is ear infections. Believe it or not, many large breed dogs or dogs that do not have cropped ...

Vaccinating Your Cat

Core Vaccines So you recently adopted or purchased a new kitten and you want to know what vaccinations are required. Although kittens do not require every possible vaccination out there, all kittens ...

Signs You Need to Take Your Cat to the Vet

Sometimes it's hard to tell when your cat needs to go to the vet's office. For anyone who has ever been unsure of when to bring their cat to the vet, the following symptoms are signs your cat should ...