Featured News 2016 Are Bones Actually Safe?

Are Bones Actually Safe?

Most of us grew up watching people feed dogs bones all the time. Considering their carnivorous nature, it's understandable why we'd come to the conclusion that bones are not only natural, but healthy for dogs.

Many veterinarians believe that it's not safe to feed dogs bones, even raw bones. However, there are veterinarians that encourage feeding dogs raw, whole bones, but you may want to talk to your veterinarian before you decide to feed them to your family pet.

Even Raw Bones Can Cause Harm

Unfortunately, there are many examples of dogs who were fed bones, even RAW BONES, and they suffered serious injuries. A dog can feed on the carcass of a dead deer, which can make him very lethargic.

The dog attempts to vomit and pass stool to no avail, and he becomes dehydrated.

Such a dog was feeding on natural bones, but he became extremely ill as a result. In effect, the dog's owner takes the weak and dehydrated pet to the veterinarian. The dog requires five days in the animal hospital, X-rays, IV fluid, antibiotics, sedation, and multiple enemas.

If the treatment proves to be unsuccessful, the animal would have to have major surgery to avoid a certain and agonizing death.

But Dogs in the Wild Do It

You may say, "But homeless dogs and wolves eat raw bones all the time, so it must by OK for me to give my dog bones." We don't really know how healthy wolves or wild dogs are, nor do we know how many die from splinters in their intestines and abdominal bleeding.

If a wolf in the wild was sickened after eating bones, it would be a swift death sentence.

While there are some benefits to feeding dogs bones, you run the risk of needing major surgery to save your dog's life as a result. Is it worth the risk?

When in doubt, contact an experienced veterinarian for their advice.

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