Featured News 2013 Aspergillosis in Felines

Aspergillosis in Felines

Cats can develop a variety of fungal infections, and one of the most common infections is termed aspergillosis. This is an infection that is caused by Aspergillus, which is a common mold that is found throughout the environment. This mold can be present in dust, grass, hay, and other areas where stagnant matter can develop cultures.

The infection will occur when an organism which does not cause disease becomes an infectious agent. Most of the time, the organism enters the animal's body, and then turns into an infectious agent when the body is already weakened from another illness or disease. This means that aspergillosis can sometimes indicate that your feline has other illnesses, so you will want to run tests to make sure that your pet is safe and healthy immediately. Sometimes cats with aspergillosis also have diabetes or leukemia, so you will want to make sure that this is not the case. Felines that have serious medical conditions that weaken the immune system have a higher chance of also developing aspergillosis.

There are two different types of acquired aspergillosis that can be found in the feline body. One of these is a nasal infection, and the other is a disseminated infection. Both types of aspergillosis can affect all breeds of cats. Persians show the highest incidence of aspergillosis, though all cat breeds as susceptible to the sickness.

In the nasal form of this infection, the illness will center in the nasal passages and front sinuses. Cats develop nasal aspergillosis if their nose comes into contact with the mold and fungus, normally by sniffing and smelling. Cats with this illness will normally develop a nasal discharge and will have noisy breathing when they are inhaling. The infection may affect breathing, so it is important that you get your cat to a vet promptly to seek treatment.

The second type of this infection is called disseminated, which means that it is spread throughout the body. Veterinarians are not certain how this fungal infection enters the body, but it could be through the nose, mouth, eyes, or skin contact with the mold. Pets with this illness will normally display signs of lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, and depression. The cat may also suffer from protruding eyeballs, which can be painful and unsightly.

Vets will diagnose a cat with aspergillosis after they run tests and take swabs or cultures. Sometimes, a rhinoscopy is necessary to determine if the cat has nasal aspergillosis. This is a procedure where a vet will insert a small fiber-optic scope into the nose to examine the inside and look at the mucus linings. It is easier for a vet to diagnose the nasal form of this illness. The disseminated form of aspergillosis can be harder to determine because the symptoms are so general. Sometimes a vet can perform a urine analysis or X-rays to examine the spine.

To treat aspergillosis, owners should ask for an antifungal drug prescription and use this medication. Most of the time, the drug can be administered to the nasal passage or administered orally. Cats should then be monitored. You can prevent the onset of this disease by trying to remove all moldy sources from your cat. Keeping cats inside will help to protect them from being exposed to these molds.

If you believe that your cat has this fungal illness or another infection, then you need to take your animal to a local veterinarian. Hire a friendly and caring professional to help you today by looking at the list of local vets on our directory. You can choose a nearby animal doctor who will help to diagnose the problem and give you the medications that you need.

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