Featured News 2012 When Your Dog’s Nose is Dry

When Your Dog’s Nose is Dry

Many people believe that if their pet’s nose is dry and cracked, that means that their pet is sick. However, pet experts at WebMD have declared that just because your dog has a hot, dry nose does not mean that he or she isn’t healthy. The temperature of your pup’s nose will fluctuate day-to-day based on the outside temperature. Also, dog’s noses will change temperature based on what activities they’ve been involved in that day. In fact, your dog’s nose could be cold and wet one moment and hot and dry another. While having a hot and dry nose doesn’t indicate that your dog is sick, having a cold, wet nose doesn’t indicate that your dog is healthy. Dog’s that have moist and chilly noses can have all sorts of health concerns like heart diseases and critical injuries.

That cold and wet nose that you may think is a sign of perfect health could even indicate that your pet has a viral infection. A professor at the North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine says that a dehydrated dog may have a dry and hot nose, but your pet’s nose is not a reliable sign. He suggests that concerned dog owners watch their pet’s eating and drinking habits and monitor their behavior. If their pet is not acting normal or eating and drinking, these are better indicators that you pet is not feeling well.

If your dog’s nose is crusty and flaky, or the color has changed, then these might be legitimate concerns. This is especially true if your dog’s nose remains like this for an extended amount of time, or if he or she has scabs and open sores on the area. A characteristically a dry nose could be a symptom of certain illnesses, but only if it is accompanied by lethargy, a decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or another obvious sign of sickness. Other dermatological skin problems can also point to the fact that your dog may be in need of medical attention.

If your dog is allergic to something he has been playing with or eating, his or her nose may help to point to the problem. Some dogs are allergic to the plastics that are used to make some dog bowls, or the dyes that color the bowls. If you use a stainless steel dog bowl, you will be able to lessen the possibility that your dog will have a reaction. Also, if your dog has a nasal discharge like a runny nose, and the symptoms persist, then this may be a sign of a cold or another illness. Your pet could have a respiratory infection, especially if he or she is coughing, sneezing, or having trouble breathing. This could also be something more serious, such as a tumor in the nasal passage, so it’s important that you get your pet examined at a vet.

Some colorful dogs and cats may have black spots on their nose and mouth. Unless these developed later in your dogs, they might be a sort of birth mark that is not a concern. Pets with pink noses often have these spots. Unless the mark seems to be raised or is growing, you shouldn’t fear. All of that to say, your dog’s nose isn’t a great indicator of illness unless there is something significantly abnormal involved. If your dog’s nose is so dry that it becomes cracked or peeling, then there may be an issue and you should head to a vet for a checkup. Be discerning when it comes to your pup’s nose, and remember that a temperature change from time to time is a regular part of your pup’s body temperature.

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