Latest News 2011 September Floppy Ears and Ear Infections

Floppy Ears and Ear Infections

Do you own a dog that has floppy ears?  If so, you may already know that dogs with floppy ears are more prone toward getting ear infections.  Usually, these infections develop after dogs have been in the water or if dogs have allergies, such as food allergies.

In order to keep ear infections at bay, you should consider using an ear wash on your dog once a week.  You can get ear wash from your local pet shop or by requesting a bottle from your veterinarian.

Once you have the ear wash, you'll want to apply the solution to one ear, rub the outside of the ear and then let your dog shake its head.  Then, simply take a cloth and wipe away the excess liquid from the flap of the dog's ear.  Don't press the cloth into your dog's ear canal as you may push liquid and debris into this narrow opening and possibly cause an infection.  After you have finished with one ear, move onto the next.

If you notice that your dog is persistently shaking its head, has red ear flaps, scratches its ears or has odor coming from its ears, it's time to see a veterinarian as your dog most likely has an infection and will need to medicine to recover.

Categories: Pet Tips, Ear Infections, Dogs