Featured News 2012 When your Pet is Shedding

When your Pet is Shedding

Many dog and cat breeds shed their thick winter coat as the weather grows warmer, leaving traces of fur all over your home. Dog hair actually grows in traceable cycles. First, each follicle has a rapid growth phase called the anagen phase. After this, the hair hits a resting phase called catagen phase. Eventually, these hair follicles detach at the base, bringing on the telogen phase. This is when the young hair pushes out and the phases start all over again in a new cycle. The cycle takes an average of four months, though it sometimes depends on the breed of dog or cat. Pets with particularly thick or good quality coats often take a longer time to grow those coats than other breeds.

A major influence in when your pet sheds is weather. In the hot summer months, you pet will slowly shed his thick winter coat. Your cat will probably grow fluffier in the winter when he or she needs extra protection from the cold. The longer periods of daylight in the spring and summer months actually help to motivate shedding. The actual shedding season normally lasts four to six weeks. Dogs and cats often shed again in the early fall before their new coat grows in. Interestingly enough, daylight affects the dogs and cats that live outside more than those who remain indoors.

For pets that are used to artificial light, chances are that they will shed sporadically all throughout the year. Some breeds of dogs have non-shedding curly coats. These are dogs like poodles, Bedlington Terriers, and Kerry Blue Terriers. These pets are at a risk to getting matted hair if it is not properly taken care of. This is because the hair doesn’t naturally thin itself by falling out. Other hypoallergenic dogs like Maltese can also end up with matted hair if they are not taken to the groomers.

Some canines have a double coat. When dogs with this sort of fur shed, it may look unattractive and slightly alarming. Your animal’s double coat dog will appear patchy as their long hair falls out to reveal very short hair underneath. While you may jump to the conclusion that your pet has a skin disease, think again. Your animal simply has a summer coat all ready to go under the winter one. If you find his current appearance unattractive, take your pet to the groomer to help with the grooming process and thin the coat out. When your dog or cat is shedding, it is best that you brush them daily. This will help your pet to remove the dead hair on their body more efficiently.

You can also give your dog a bath to help remove dead hair. Make sure to brush your dog before bathing to avoid creating mats in his or her fur. When brushing your dog, make sure that you are using the right type of brush. There are a variety of brushes for a variety of dogs, so make sure to check that the brush you have purchased is meant for your pet. The brush that you use on an Old English Sheepdog may be much too long and rough for a Jack Russell Terrier.

As you can see, it is perfectly natural for your dog or cat to shed their fur. In fact, it may be healthy. Unlike in humans, where hair shedding is a symptom of vitamin deficiency, for some animals it is unhealthy not to shed. If your animal’s hair falls out in chunks and reveals skin underneath, then you may want to get this checked out. Your pet’s hair should detach itself in strands, not clumps. Contact a local vet if you have concerns about your pet’s coat.

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