Latest News 2012 September Pool Safety for Pups

Pool Safety for Pups

As summer comes to a close, you may want to take that one last vacation or spend a few more afternoons poolside. If you have a dog, then pools can end up being a pet safety hazard. It’s very important that you carefully monitor your pup when he or she is beside the pool. While some dogs love the water, other breeds are not able to swim well, and may even drown.

For example, bulldogs tend to struggle when it comes to swimming, and might not be able to make it out of the pool unless they are rescued. If you have both a pup and a pool, teach your dog to swim. You can do this by bringing your pet into the water and holding it by the underbelly while it learns to move its legs back and forth and paddle through the liquid.

If you have a pup that isn’t much of a swimmer, then you may want to invest in a doggy life vest. These flotation devices could save your pet’s life! If your dog is older, make sure to give extra attention to your pup. Older dogs tend to lose vision, and may walk into a pool without even noticing that it is there. S well, they often suffer from arthritis, which may cause difficulty swimming. If you are going to let your pet hang out around the pool, you may want to learn pet CPR. You can never be too safe, and if your dog accidentally drowns, pet CPR will help you work towards resuscitation.

If you have a pooch, then you should also think about having a fence installed around your pool. This will help to make sure that your beloved dog doesn’t wander into the area unawares and end up slipping into the pool. Talk to a local vet today if your pet is harmed while swimming. You should always have a reliable animal doctor on call for all of your dog’s health and safety needs!

Categories: Dogs