Latest News 2012 March Combating Cat Obesity

Combating Cat Obesity

One concern that many cat owners have is obesity. Usually, obesity in cats stems from lack of activity, age, and of course – diet. All too often, cat owners leave out the food bowl and let their felines eat as much as they like. When this occurs, cats continue to eat and eventually start putting on pounds which can be hazardous to their health in the long-run.

If you're hoping to help your cat lose unwanted weight, there are some things you can do. First, gradually start to reduce the amount of wet food or kibble. Second, feed your cat at set times of the day/night and only put a certain amount of food in your cat's bowl. If you have more than one cat, consider keeping your pets and their bowls separate during scheduled feeding times to ensure one cat is not eating from the other's dish. Finally, take the time to speak with a local veterinarian about your cat's diet and learn what additional measures you can take to combat obesity.