Latest News 2012 July Do you have an Itchy Dog?

Do you have an Itchy Dog?

If your dog is constantly itching, you may want to check into the situation. There’s a possibility that your pup has a problem that he is trying communicate to you. A few itches and licks every once and a while isn’t much to worry about, but when it becomes habitual, you should watch out. When dog scratching gets out of hand, your pet might have a food or environment allergy that is affecting his skin. Dogs can also develop contact dermatitis, which may develop from contact with soaps or pesticides. In addition, canines can also develop an allergy to a mold in your house or pollen.

Sometimes, a dog simply itches because he or she is bored or anxious. You should try to keep your dog occupied so that he doesn’t do this. Your pet may inflict bodily damage itself if he or she is not careful. Oftentimes, dogs will also itch because their skin is dry. This can cause damage, especially if the skin is flaky and thin. Many times dogs skin gets drier in the winter, or when the animal is not getting enough fatty acids in its’ diet.

There are also times your pet might itch because of a hormonal balance. If your dog is not producing enough thyroid hormone, Pet Web MD says that this could cause a skin infection. The same sort of infection can happen when a dog produces too much cortisol. If you see small red spots on your pet’s skin, then you should take him or her to a vet to be tested for hormonal imbalances. Your pet may also chew, lick, or itch at his or her skin because of a parasite. This can be anything from lice, fleas, and ticks to an internal parasite that is under the skin. Talk to a local vet today to determine the reason why your dog is so itchy!