Latest News 2011 April Cats and Ear Mites

Cats and Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny, spider-like parasites that infect the ears cats.  Usually, these parasites reside within cats' ear canals, but they can live on all body parts and are one of the most common causes of ear infections.

According to most veterinarians, ear mites thrive in areas where there is a great deal of moisture and little air flow, which is why ears are their favorite locations to infest.  Once they burrow into a cats' ear, they cause inflammation and irritation.  The ear responds by producing more wax and moisture, which can trigger infection.

Unfortunately, ear mites are extremely uncomfortable for cats.  For this reason, any time pet owners notice that their cats' ears are inflamed, see foul discharge from the ears, or notice their cats are itching their ears a lot, it is important that they take their cats to their veterinarians for treatment.  If left untreated, ear mites and infections can lead to deformity of the ears as well as permanent deafness.

Thankfully, when properly diagnosed, veterinarians can prescribe medications and drops that will get rid of the mites and save cats from a lot of discomfort.