Latest News 2010 March Choosing the Right Breed for Your Lifestyle

Choosing the Right Breed for Your Lifestyle

Choosing the right breed of dog for your lifestyle is so important once you've made the decision to bring a new dog into your life. Although dogs make wonderful pets, you may not feel that way if you bring home a dog that is not suitable for the type of lifestyle you lead. Too often people get wrapped in the excitement getting a dog and forget that dogs have needs too, and that not all dogs are right for everyone. For example, if you're an extremely active person who wants a dog to take on hikes and bike rides, you need to find a breed that is very active. Similarly, if you live in an apartment, it's important to find a breed that doesn't need a large yard to be happy and healthy. Furthermore, if you lead an extremely busy lifestyle, you need to find a breed that doesn't mind being left alone for long periods of time.

With so many breeds to choose from, we understand it can feel a bit overwhelming to find the right breed for you. Here are some important questions to ask yourself when deciding which type of dog to bring home:

  • How much time can I devote to walking and exercising a dog? How much exercise does a particular breed of dog need to be happy and healthy?
  • Do I travel often? If so, who will watch my dog? What type of dog wouldn't mind being babysat by others?
  • How much room can I offer a dog? Do I have a yard? How big will this particular breed of dog get?
  • Should I get a long-haired dog or short-haired dog? How often does this particular dog shed? Am I willing to groom this dog as often as necessary? Can I deal with dog hair all over the house?
  • How much food and what type of food does this particular type of dog need?
  • Can I afford to take care of this dog if it gets sick or injured? Can I afford basic vaccinations and checkups?
  • Can I devote the time needed to train a dog? Do I have the patience to train a dog?
  • Is the particular type of breed I want good with children? Will it interact well with guests and other company? Does it like people in general?
  • Is the particular type of breed I want good around other dogs? Will it be able to adapt to the dogs or other pets I already own?
  • Do I need an indoor or outdoor type of dog?

If you have any additional questions you'd like to ask or address before bringing a dog into your life, your veterinarian should be able to provide you with the answers you need. Click here if you need help finding a veterinarian near you!

Categories: Buying a Pet