Featured News 2013 All About Feline UTIs

All About Feline UTIs

Like humans, animals can suffer from urinary tract infections. The infections can happen from a variety of different causes. The urinary tract infections are also referred to as feline urologic syndrome and affect the lower portion of the urinary tract. The structures include the urinary bladder and the urethra.

Normally, cat owners can determine when their cat has a UTI if they notice their animal urinating outside of the litter box on a regular basis. Urinating outside the litter box is not always a medical issue, but it often can be. Most often cats develop a UTI because of a bladder infection, bladder stones, or an inflammation of the bladder which is commonly referred to as interstitial cystitis. Pets may also suffer from a urethral obstruction which may be caused by stones or pugs by organic debris like cells, proteins or minerals. Also, a cat may be suffering from a tumor that has blocked the urethra.

Some UTIs occur because of stress. A cat that is in a stressful environment or has recently been moved to a new home may develop this infection as a response. If your case has interstitial cystitis, then there may be more to treat than simply the UTI. Interstitial cystitis is a systemic disease that affects more than the urinary tract.

Urethral obstruction is the most serious form of a UTI because this can actually disable the cat's ability to urinate. This is more common in male cats than in female cats. Cats that have an obstructed urethra are unable to discard of their waste products, and the waste will start to accumulate in the bloodstream instead, causing the animal to end up poisoning itself with its own body waste. This can be very painful and extremely dangerous.

Urinary tract disease symptoms include bloody urine, irritability in general, a tendency to urinate outside of the litter box, straining to urinate, frequent attempts to urinate, and painful urination. Cats can also develop a lack of appetite because of a UTI. If not treated, some UTIs can be fatal so you will want to take your cat to the veterinarian promptly for treatment if you suspect that he or she may be suffering from this illness. Some cats will need to have a urethral obstruction resolved through a catheter. During this the cat may also need intravenous fluids and need kidney unction monitoring.

Cats that only have a bladder infection will need to be put on antibiotics, and cats with bladder stones may need an operation to remove the stones. Cats that undergo this surgery will then need to be put on a therapeutic diet. All cats should drink plenty of fresh water when diagnosed with a UTI. Owners would do well to have water always available. It can also be helpful to feed your cat canned food because of the added moisture.

Preventing urinary tract infections is not always possible, but it may help your cat if you encourage water consumption, environmental enrichment, and proper litter box care. You will want to talk with your veterinarian to learn more about feline UTIs and discuss a proper recovery plan for your cat if he or she is diagnosed with one of these diseases.

You will also want to monitor your pet for any signs of recurring infection, and minimize stressful atmospheres to help aid in recovery. Talk to your vet for more information about UTI treatment and therapeutic diets that may be able to help your cat to recover. It is always important to have a reliable veterinarian ready to assist you with any animal medical concerns, so use this directory to find a local vet near you!

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