Featured News 2012 All About Canine Anemia

All About Canine Anemia

Just like humans, dogs can become anemic. This means that they have a deficiency of red blood cells in their circulatory system. Dogs are considered anemic if they have a concentration of red blood cells that is less than 37 percent. The normally range for red blood cells is between 36 and 60 percent. Red blood cells are created by the bone marrow and they normally last 110 to 120 days. The old cells are trapped by the spleen and removed. The iron in these cells is recycled to produce new red blood cells in the bone marrow. Dogs with anemia aren’t getting enough oxygen pumped into the organs or muscles. Dogs with this condition are normally lethargic and don’t have much of an appetite. They can also be weak from the lack of red blood cells.

If your think your dog might have anemia, check his or her mouth. Dogs with anemia normally have pale pink or white mucous membranes of the gums and tongue. They also may have a rapid pulse and respiratory rate. In extreme cases of anemia, your dog might collapse from exhaustion, or develop a heart murmur. There are various reasons that your dog may develop anemia. The first way that the condition is acquired is through blood loss. This blood loss may be internal or external. If your dog was exposed to trauma and lost blood, then this may be the reason for his or her anemia.

Also, dogs that have a slow gastrointestinal bleeding issue will become anemic. The gastrointestinal bleeding could be due to a tumor, parasites, or an ulcer. It is essential that you get this checked out as soon as possible. Sometimes hookworms and fleas can also cause chronic blood loss through the urine, especially in puppies. You will want to take our dog to the vet if you are worried that it is losing blood. The second way that a dog can develop anemia is through hemolysis. This is called hemolytic anemia. It is an acceleration of the normal process of the red blood cell break down, which makes it so that the products from the break down accumulate in the body. Dogs with this condition will normally have jaundice and may have swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes dogs can get this condition from a medication or a snake bite. Other times it stems from a minor anemic issue.

The last kind of anemia that can be found in dogs is immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. This is a condition that occurs when the auto bodies that attack antigens attack the entire red blood cell instead. The lack of red blood cells creates anemia. Poodles, Old English Sheepdogs, Cocker Spaniels and Irish Setters are the dogs that are most likely to obtain this illness. However all dogs breeds is susceptible to this sort of anemia. Almost all cases of canine anemia are idiopathic. This means that vets cannot trace why the auto-anti bodies developed in the dog.

If your pet has this condition, then you will want to take your pet to the vet right away. He or she might need a blood transfusion in extreme cases. In less serious situations, the illness can be treated with medications or shots of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. If the pet’s spleen is contributing to the hemolytic process, then vets may suggest that the organ is removed. This can often be an expensive and serious surgery, so you will want to evaluate your options before jumping at this suggestion. Unfortunately, even dogs with treatment have a 40 percent mortality rate when diagnosed with hemolytic anemia. Talk to a local vet if you need more information about how to care for your dog or suspect that your pet has anemia.

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